Research Neuroplasticity:

Discuss how understanding the principles of neuroplasticity benefits people

I guess it's like flipping the old saying “you can’t teach an old new tricks”, because with enough practice and repetition you can. Neuroplasticity says that given enough practice (real or not) you can rewire the neurons in your brain to get better and more responsive to the new activity you are trying to learn. You need to think of the neurons in your brain as a series of roads, making connections, the more connections that are made the more use those roads get - turning into highways. This benefits people by helping someone understand that they can learn something new, given time and practice; there are also other benefits such as it can aid in recovery from strokes, and traumatic brain injuries, more effective learning, and other benefits.

Discuss how might engage with the principles of neuroplasticity for your own benefit:

Practice, practice, practice I guess - gotta keep making new connections, literally in my brain and also with the concepts I am being taught throughout the camp and the rest of my career/life.

What are some of the ways to increase your Neuroplasticity:

  • Practice obviously - but this can also be sitting back and thinking about actually doing the tasks, working through the steps.
  • Journaling, writing down what you did that day or what you learnt - reflecting.
  • Meditation - taking time to relax your body and mind.

Link to a resource that you found particularly useful or engaging:

One resource I found helpful is this Positive Psychology page, this site provides a lot of information for how engage neuroplasticity, and provides links to a lot videos and articles regarding neuroplasticity.

Research Growth Mindset:

Discuss what it is and why it is relevant:

If it comes down to it I guess it is the belief that you can - that you can learn, that even you fail you can do better. Versus the fix mindset which if the belief that everything like intelligence, artistry, imagination is determined and fixed.

In this exploration, did anything surprise you? Change for you?

I’m not sure if it is a surprise but I can definitely identify times in my life growing up where I had a fixed mindset. What has changed is that I will try approach with a growth mindset - I have always believed you learn more by failing.

How will you integrate growth mindset into your learning journey?

Take advice and criticism and evaluate how I can approach a problem I am having differently. Link to a resource that you found particularly useful or engaging. I found this illustrated video helped to clarify growth mindset a lot more, and was quite engaging/interesting to watch:

Blend with your learning plan and strategies:

Reflect and discuss how these understandings may shape or influence your learning plan and strategy. I will integrate neuroplasticity and a growth mindset practicing what I have learnt and reflecting on this more. It will also be good to add in some time to relax and meditate.