Tell your non-tech friend a story about a time you:
Got blocked on a simple problem:
During this sprint I got stuck on some of the katas, for example the fizzbuzz challenge.
Now this basically involves taking a list of numbers someone gives you and then going through and re-writing it.
So it has to be re-written in a way that any number that is a multiple of 3 is “fizz instead, any number that is a multiple of 5 is “buzz”, and any number that is a multiple of 15 is “fizzbuzz”; then you hand this new “FizzBuzzed” list back to the person that asked for it.
What was the problem:
Well my first problem was trying iterate, or go through the list one by one and testing it by the multiples; then once I had figured out to do that, I needed a way to test if it was a multiple.
What problem solving techniques did you use?
I went back to the list of basic Javascript courses we had done in Free Code Camp courses remembering we had gone through something similar already, between this and Google I was able to work out what was needed.
How did you feel about the process?
Good - it was good to know I had something that I could go back to and reference, then search Google from there to help reinforce the method I was looking at.
Solved a problem in an elegant way:
I am not sure I did really, there was a lot of write something, delete re-write.
I guess the most elegant way did solve something was the rubber ducky way, I read through my code out loud to figure out why it wasn’t working and found a bracket missing.
How did you feel throughout the process?
Mixed emotions mostly determined, but there was also a little frustration, and a lot of elation once something passed the final test
What did you learn?
That you can do a lot with just the basics we had learnt so far.
Reflect on how confident you feel using the problem solving techniques and process:
Pretty confident, it helps to build up the function and give a clue on what to search for when figuring something out.
Trying something:
Confident, I did this a lot - change something and press run, check result/error, change something else and repeat.
Rubber ducky method:
Confident - although it does feel a bit weird talking to yourself I found it helped me find spelling errors and missing brackets
Reading error messages:
Reasonably confident, using these and looking at what the tests were looking for helped a lot.
Didn’t use this too much, but it was helpful to see what was happening at some points.
Confident - was good for getting explanations and examples of some methods.
Asking your peers for help:
Confident, although I didn’t need to this sprint.
Asking coaches for help:
Same as above - I would have had I exhausted everything else.
your process with reflection:
Good - I did walk away for a break at some points and think about what was needed to get the function working.